
Welcome to the online open house for the Smokey Point Boulevard Corridor Project!

Smokey Point Boulevard is undergoing design improvements that will support future growth and development along this corridor. We want your feedback and thoughts because you are an important member of our community here, in the City of Arlington!  

You can use this site to:

  • Learn more about the project and its history
  • See what’s in store with design updates on the project 
  • Review feedback
  • Sign up for email updates and follow us on social! 

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A map of the project area. The area stretches from 200th St NE to 174th Pl NE on Smokey Point Boulevard.
Project area map (click image to expand)



The City of Arlington is growing!

We are designing improvements to Smokey Point Boulevard from 174th Place NE to 200th Street NE to help support the future growth and mobility of the corridor and help strengthen our community identity. We are working to improve safety, reduce congestion, and increase opportunity for access and developed within the neighborhood.

The Arlington Municipal Airport is part of the Cascade Industrial Center located just outside of the Smokey Point Boulevard project area. Photo via PSRC.

A map of the Cascade Industrial Center shows that the area encompasses a portion of Arlington and Marysville with Interstate 5 and Highway 9 serving as rough boundaries.
A map of the Cascade Industrial Center

Key figures

  • 20,000 new jobs in the area by 2040
  • 1,700+ acres available for future development
  • Nearly $1 million provided in grants to make improvements
The area is also part of the Smokey Point Subarea Plan process, which helps to create a vision, goals, and policies to guide public and private investment.

On November 5, 2021, the City of Arlington launched an online open house and survey to gather feedback from residents, community members, business owners and other members of the public.

The online open house focused on educating community members and stakeholders about the importance of corridor improvements. The survey contained a total of 17 questions; 8 of the questions directly asked about the project itself, while 9 questions focused on gathering information from individuals filling out the survey. The survey closed on January 3, 2022, there was a total of 280 survey submissions with a 100% completion rate.

The top three themes we heard in 2021 were concerns about the lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, traffic, and pedestrians and drivers feeling unsafe.

Design Updates

Design Updates

We are committed to addressing the project objectives for the project, which are:

  • Creating a walkable, livable, multimodal urban corridor that also meets the urban transportation needs for the future.
  • Creating an urban corridor with safe pedestrian crossings, artwork, and landscaping.
  • Improve access to and use of the corridor for drivers, transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
  • Increase safety for all users, including pedestrians and bicyclists that may use Smokey Point Blvd in the future.
  • Improve transit facilities in preparation for the new Community Transit Swift Gold Line.
  • Foster the development of a commercial corridor to serve the surrounding neighborhood. 

Currently, the corridor between 174th and 200th is one travel lane each way with limited pedestrian access and safety features, and lack of lighting. We’ve come up with a concept that incorporates roundabouts at key intersections, sidewalks, increased lighting, street parking, and a drive aisle with shared bike lanes.

Next steps

Next steps

This project will be phased in over time. Roundabouts at 180th and 188th are planned to be constructed in 2024 and the 174th roundabout is planned to be constructed in 2025. Portions between roundabouts will be phased in and we will work with developers to complete that work.

We will plan to be back in touch next year with more updates.